I try to maintain a positive attitude, but lately there has been so much stress in our home. A couple of my kids have oppositional and passive aggressive type behaviors (although not all the time). This is exhausting and then I respond in a way that feeds into it. Which makes them more oppositional...and the vicious cycle begins yet again.
Mornings can be particularly difficult. Thank goodness my teenager (Ms. Diva) gets herself up and out in the morning by 6:30 am prepared for her long day (which includes two extracurricular activities at a time sometimes). My other three are a bit more challenged in the organizational area, so our mornings and evenings are stressful.
This morning, Sean decided to do everything very slowly. Then I got agitated because we were ready and I was close to being late to work. Sean attends my school. I ended up raising my voice and Sean said, "Since you're yelling at me, I'm going to move extra slow" and he proceeds to do everything in slow motion. Meanwhile the other two kids were in the car. I feel so powerless in this situation which is just WRONG.
I was crying on my way to school. I just felt so defeated. This got my day off to a rough start, but thankfully the rest of my school day went well....until I got home and just had way too much drama for a Wednesday evening.
So, lately, I begin my days with stress and I end them with stress. Sigh.
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