Wednesday, October 13, 2010

School Days

I am a middle school teacher.  I used to be an elementary school teacher.  My oldest daughter attended my schools from mid-1st grade through 8th grade.  She was in one of my classes in 7th grade.  There were never any issues.

Last year, Ms. Tween started middle school at my school.  I spent the year ducking from the 6th grade teachers as she had a very difficult, ADHD-dominated year. She wasn't "bad", but she also never turned in homework and classwork and exhibited some passive aggressive behaviors.

This year, I am blessed with 2 of my children at my school and I now have child-related stress from 6:00 am until at least midnight.  They are SO  ADHD.  They are very smart...advanced on all the state tests...but they are disorganized.  They lose everything.  They seem unaware of their environments and where they are in the moment. 

I am an 8th grade teacher who is now ducking 6th AND 7th grade teachers.

Today, a teacher brought my son to my classroom at dismissal because of his attitude.  I am having such a hard time with him.  He is very oppositional in the morning and often makes me late.  I don't know what to do because I can't just leave him.  This morning, I was making lunches and he demanded that I sign his intramural sports permission form now.  I told him it would have to wait and he said, "I guess you're going to be late for work then."  I had a 7:30 IEP meeting (as a teacher) and I WAS late. 

This 11 year old boy has WAAAY too much power.  I am really struggling with how to get control over my household and implement appropriate boundaries for the kids.  They are all feeling too empowered.


Denise said...

Have you read Heather T. Forbes' books? I haven't but I bought one of them. The problem is that by the time I get a moment to myself, I'm too tired to read! I've heard excellent things about her methods from people who have adopted and are dealing with behaviors. I signed up for one of her seminars and I am counting the days!

It must be so hard teaching in their school. I hope you find some answers!

Dia por Dia said...

Welcome to blogging! So nice to "meet" you. It is nice to not feel so alone. Two of mine have ODD so the oppositional behaviors can drive one crazy. We have slowly whittled away at them. As for being in the same building as you kids for school...yikes!

I was the student teaching supervisor, head of the school governing committee (districtlevel not PTA) and trained the principal and 7 of the teachers in my daughter's elementary school. I was also the parent who was constantly called to the principal's office because my daughter did no schoolwork, destroyed property, lied, stole, bit, shut down the mainframe, ran into traffic, ran away on a field trip and let's not not forget told "interesting" stories about home life. The whole staff practically had me on speed dial! Did I mention she was only in Kindergarten? I DREADED going into that building! That feeling is so debilitating and can take a toll on your work! I am so sorry.

I have a list of strategies that really helped us with the ODD and organization if you are interested. Just email...

Again, it is nice to see you blogging!

schnitzelbank said...

I'm also a teacher (grades 6-12, and some community college, too). I've taught in many different school settings, but by far the most successful environment I've seen for kids with special needs is a small-school/charter environment. A school without the emphasis placed on pushing busywork around. Small class sizes. Relevant curriculum. Teachers who engage the students in practical, performance-based learning tasks. It's a huge shift in terms of what it means to teach and learn, but I've seen it work. I've had it work for kids that were written off as being "too ADHD." Have you considered something like this? Or applying to a private (Waldorf?) school, where your children could have free tuition?